Friday, June 13, 2008


So... as of late I've been looking at the clouds and thinking about how beautiful they are. I marvel at how the look lately. I mean... half the day it's cloudy and rainy and then suddenly, later on it's completely blue! I don't remember the clouds moving around this quickly. It truly seems like the Second Coming is very near. Time seems to be moving so fast! It doesn't seem like we'll be able to accomplish what we wish for time is so short. But then again... we may be able to accomplish that and more considering the fact we don't know When the Second Coming is. But how exciting!

I look up at the clouds and there are times when I'm watching that I see how... such a Florescent white they are when in a certain slant of the sun. It's so beautiful! And then... right before your very eyes the clouds seperate and change and when they get so small they just... disappear. Right there. They're moving so quickly and it's just... awe inspiring. They look so lovely and amazing when looking towards the mountains. Seeing the way that they mold to the mountains, even though they're just passing through... I just absolutely love the mountains! As I watch them... the way they move, how they form, or disappear... it's further proof to me that the Lord exists. How in the world did any of these wondrous things happen if there was no Lord? or looking at the colors of the sky... who, beyond the Lord, would think to mold them together so perfectly that they make the sky look beautiful at certain parts of the day. Sunrise and Sunset.
